At the end of the semester, I had finished twenty+ poems, most in need of editing, so I compiled a file with all the mark ups and notes and plan to work through them during the break and hopefully submit them for publication.
I joined another group, Prose and wrote some on that site, meeting a few friends.
I looked at emulation in poetry during the class and found ways to tap into similar information from my memoir and bring it into poetry.
I came up with two plans for essay writing in addition to the work on my memoir and I think maybe I have a better idea for focus now; the idea is the same, but the focus shifts slightly each time I alter it.
Also, the course introduced me to different ways to package poems into a collection so after I complete the edits to the new ones, I will take another look at this again.
Re: Memoir Plotting and Research
I also had finished the first draft of some of the "frame" for my situations I have been writing about my family and our interaction with my brother's schizophrenia and addiction. I am now in need of a formal outline. So I have started preparing one. Why didn't I have an outline before? I didn't know what I wanted to write as specifically as I do now after writing situation for two semesters. The outline was based on situation and didn't include the concept of frame which provides the cues to tell readers how I am my family felt about the situations, what has changed and what brought about the changes.
In writing fiction, I usually build a character emotional curve--I need to do this for myself as the character which feels somewhat odd. Part of the reason for building the two outlines, one based on situation with specific points I want to make for each planned chapter, and one based on character curve which I also tie to the plot is to start fleshing out missing portions and to start eliminating unnecessary, out of scope material. So, I look like I am doing nothing, but what I really am doing is thinking. I need to tie this to my schedule.
Also during the semester, I finished reading a number of my resources including finding good quotes that support my thesis along with the reference data and matched it to the document sections. These are helpful for clarifying the points I want to make and also for a more future-oriented view of the situation.
So once I complete this outline (as much as I can figure out) I need to produce my thirty pages of material for the Residency due June 10th.
Re: Reading
I completed reading the assigned collections along with reference materials, see my Goodreads site for the specifics or other pages in this blog since I don't intend to list them.
I also started looking at the biographies of other writers and looked specifically at how they addressed their writing work as opposed to other areas of their lives, Neruda's memoir was especially helpful for portraying the role of the poet in society, which differs very much from how I see my own role. On one hand, his life seems romantic and part of the older style of culture, on the other hand, it makes me think about what I should be doing as an artist.
Also in addition to these readings, since I was visiting Nicaragua and Paris, France, I selected a number of artists and their writings as a way of deepening my understanding of place.
Re: Volunteerism
I participated in a one week study in Nicaragua based on Volcan Masaya.
I finished up the school year as a fifth grade PREP teacher for St. Stephen's Catholic Community.
I continue to read for River Teeth magazine.
I continue acting as a transportation help for St. Stephen's Catholic Community
I signed up to help during summer school at a local high school.
I found some other opportunities that I couldn't attend last semester in golf and photography that I hope to check into as a way to expand my knowledge and skill set.
Re: So What Did I Learn?
That digging into memories can provide a useful source for writing poetry as well as literature. More specifics will have to wait until I dig in some more.