I was bone-tired--my body aching from the curled up fighting position I slept in all night. By taking a break, I've begun to feel more normal. I still owe weeding and house cleaning.
Meanwhile I nearly forgot about my PREP class tonight, but luckily I had the class plan finished and it went okay.
I've started my job as reader for the Firecracker Awards, this is going well and I might have the chance to do a second batch.
I have my manuscript ready for markup--this is where I go through, say to myself, you missed a, b, c, d etc, as notes and cross out unimportant pieces and start matching in research materials and reading to help illustrate points. The first time I was told about highlighting text to indicate different types of writing l thought I'd never do it but I find it really does help to focus on getting a rainbow on the page instead on one color only.
To give myself a break from editing, I'd like to try to draft an essay every week or two (I don't want to not finish the editing).
I don't expect to have to write much to complete the manuscript just fill in and edit, so in addition to the essays I might work on generating material for book three, assuming any of this gets made into a book.
That will be enough.