One special outcome of travel is a rich set of photographs. I paint with my mind and my camera and have a great time in the process. I share my photographs on Instagram, Flickr, Typepad, my blogs, Facebook etc, including this great Lion Photo at 500px.
When my husband and I travel, we try to have a variety of experiences including:
- birdwatching
- hiking
- museums of all types
- historical buildings such as castles
- gardens
- amusement parks
- restaurants
- hotels
- spas
- golf courses
- music and opera and dance
All of these experiences then get turned into background for articles and books. I've started a travel book to go along with my golf book.
I've started joining travel groups on the web but haven't done enough.
My travel day usually starts at 7 or 8 am and runs until 7 or 8 pm at night. We usually eat one meal and snack on the other meals. We sometimes get so much exercise I hobble back, suffer rashes on my legs, and/or fall asleep when I sit down. If I stay awake, I spend three to five hours on the internet posting reviews at places like Yelp, Google, Yahoo, Foursquare, Foodspotting, or Tripadvisor like this one of our visit to Martin Luther's House in Lutherstadt, Germany.
And that makes us as rich as royalty, a time honored tradition: